Associate Professor
Northwestern University
Dr. Sera Young ( is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Global Health at Northwestern University. Methodologically, she draws on her training in nutrition (PhD Cornell University) and medical anthropology (MA University of Amsterdam, BA University of Michigan) to take a biocultural approach to understanding how mothers, especially in low-resource settings, cope to preserve their health and that of their families. She has spent much of the last decade studying food insecurity, especially in the first 1,000 days. Most recently, she has led efforts to develop the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale, a cross-culturally valid tool to measure household water insecurity ( The HWISE Scale is currently being implemented globally, including by the Gallup World Poll, to benchmark water access and use. Awards include an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship (2019) and the Margaret Mead Award for her book about pica, Craving Earth.