(P22-052-24) Nutrient Profiles of Usual Diets of Older Adults Compared to Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Preliminary Results From an Ongoing Randomized-Controlled Diet
Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Cydne A. Perry, PhD: No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.
Objectives: To compare the nutrient profiles of the usual diets of older adults and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).
Methods: Usual diets were assessed from collected 3-day food records of 9 adults aged 60+ years who participated in an ongoing randomized-controlled, cross-over diet intervention investigating the impact of the DGA that includes beef (beef-DGA) or vegetable protein (veg-protein-DGA) on muscle strength and function. Prior to randomization, participants were instructed to provide detailed dietary records for 2-week days and 1-weekend day. For this controlled-feeding intervention, 2 prescribed diets are administered that include beef or vegetable protein (i.e. Impossible BeefTM and Beyond BeefTM) within the DGA dietary pattern. Nutritionist ProTM software was used to analyze the nutrient profiles of the usual diets and study diets.
Results: Preliminary results from this ongoing trial show that the average usual caloric intake of these 9 participants was ~1759kcal. Similarly, the beef-DGA and veg-protein-DGA study diets provide on average ~1795kcal and ~1794kcal, respectively. The average usual protein intake consumed by study participants was 79g. The beef-DGA diet provides 114g and the veg-protein-DGA study diet provides 93g of dietary protein. The participants consumed an average of 72g dietary fat compared to 46g and 52g of fat provided in the beef-DGA and veg-protein-DGA study diets, respectively. Dietary fiber provided by the beef-DGA and veg-protein-DGA study diets are 29g and 34g, respectively. Usual fiber intake consumed by the participants was 22g. Sodium intake is higher in the usual diets of the study participants (2851mg) and veg-protein-DGA study diet (2494mg) compared to the beef-DGA diet (1989mg). Both the beef-DGA and veg-protein-DGA study diets provide more dietary calcium (1235mg and 1413mg, respectively), and potassium (4327mg and 4226mg, respectively) compared to the usual dietary intakes of the study participants (calcium: 996mg; potassium: 2885mg).
Conclusions: These preliminary data show that the DGA dietary pattern provides more protein, fiber, calcium, and potassium compared to the usual intakes in this study population of older adults. Furthermore, sodium is higher in the veg-protein-DGA, and usual diets compared to the beef-DGA diet.