Research Assistant Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal
Babita Baskota Adhikari, Master's Degree: No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.
Objectives: This study aims to explore the behavior on nutritious food of newly emerge millionaire regarding the food culture, behavior and understanding the major drivers; - To identify the factors affecting consuming behavior of new millionaires of KV. - To evaluate a set of variables related to sociodemographic profiles of the buyers, food culture market and psychological factors.
Methods: An open-ended questionnaire was used among the 60 respondents to collect data on their purchasing and consumption habits towards nutritious foods. The questionnaire was designed to capture data on socio-cultural characteristics, product attributes, economic factors, and psychological characteristics that influence their purchasing and consumption decisions. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis.
Results: The results of the study showed that people with high SES in Kathmandu were more concerned with expensive foods, fruits, and vegetables, regardless of their nutrient content. The new millionaire group in Kathmandu was aware of the importance of nutrition and healthy wellbeing, but their purchasing and consumption habits differed from general perceptions as they learned about fast-food and restaurant culture. On the home front, they bought, cooked, and ate expensive foods but were unaware of their nutrient contents and diet optimization.
Conclusions: There is a growing interest in exploring alternative and functional food and beverages among the New Millionaires, to enhance their nutritional intake. Social media platforms have played a significant role in shaping the dietary habits of new millionaires. It is also concerning since, without understanding the food quality, customers accepted it based on branding, marketing, and accessibility in large supermarkets; nevertheless, there is another side where food safety, packaging, and nutrient claims of the product are not always significant for the health. Furthermore, for millionaires, imported cuisine and restaurant food are the best choices. Despite knowing the health benefits of packaged, imported, and restaurant food, an enormous sum of money has been spent by millionaires. Additionally, unaware of the disadvantages of fast-food culture and dietary patterns, as well as their effects on health.