Professor of Medicine and Vice Dean for Research, Medical School
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
My core mission is to develop and deploy translational research programs that elevate the human condition. My primary strategic conduits include the research laboratory I oversee, the administrative leadership positions I hold, and the learners I have the privilege to advise. Trained clinically as an adult cardiologist, through research training I was an architect/phenotypic analyst of novel genetic mouse models that exhibit complex metabolic dysfunction, which allowed my colleagues and I to reveal diverse and fundamental mechanisms of metabolic regulation and fuel metabolism. My research program is committed to uncovering the mechanisms driving disease pathogenesis at its root metabolic origins. For 16 years, my independent research program has examined the metabolic origins of disease often through the lens of ketone bodies, using novel germline and tissue-specific genetic mouse models to study developmental and physiological roles of ketone metabolism. Our program develops and deploys –omics-based chemical profiling technologies along the spectrum spanning magnetic resonance spectroscopy to mass spectrometry, developing home-grown expertise in analytical chemistry and chemical informatics. Together, the tools and approaches used in the lab offer unique windows into nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD/MASLD), obesity/metabolic syndrome, diabetes, the metabolic adaptations in myocardial disease, and recently, tumor biology. Our lab is the home of outstanding faculty, postdoctoral fellows, PhD and MD/PhD thesis students, and staff scientists, working in a team-based science approach through close collaborations with discovery and translational scientists. We’ve hosted more than 50 in-lab learners spanning from high school student through senior faculty in our group.
Hepatic Ketone Production as the Governing Factor in Determining Fatty Liver and Type 2 Diabetes
Monday, July 1, 2024
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CT
Disclosure(s): Selah Therapeutics: Consultant (Ongoing)
Multi-Dimensional Roles of Ketones in Fuel Metabolism and Therapeutics
Monday, July 1, 2024
10:50 AM – 11:15 AM CT
Disclosure(s): Selah Therapeutics: Consultant (Ongoing)
Monday, July 1, 2024
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM CT
Disclosure(s): Selah Therapeutics: Consultant (Ongoing)